

An illustration of a megaphone outlined in a black paintbrush style design with yellow accents.

Legislation on COVID-19 disability payments receives Royal Assent

On Monday, Bill C-20 received Royal Assent. This legislation will provide a one-time, non-taxable and non-reportable payment of up to $600 to support Canadians with disabilities to assist with expenses incurred during the pandemic.

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Join your event host who will play a selection of audio clips that will serve as a launchpad for discussion. These interesting audio clips will inspire, motivate, or get you thinking. Nothing controversial, just positive topics. This program runs via Zoom web conference every Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Call in information will be given upon registration.

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Illustration of Tommy from “Tommy Wants a Guide Dog”, a boy walking along a sidewalk using a white cane.

Meet Christopher Warner: Author of “Tommy Wants a Guide Dog”

Tommy Wants a Guide Dog is a story about a young boy with sight loss who wants a guide dog but is too young to have one. Tommy has quite the imagination, so he begins thinking of other possible guide animals, including a cat, giraffe, or pig.

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In response to COVID-19, the CNIB Foundation has expanded its virtual program offerings across Canada.

Whether it's career support, tech training, youth groups or book clubs, we're combating social isolation and transforming our communities into beacons of accessibility and inclusion, where everyone can live, work and play without barriers. Funded by charitable donations and enabled by the selfless contributions of volunteers, our innovative programs and powerful advocacy are driving change in communities from coast to coast to coast.

Virtual Program Offerings


Connecting the Dots banner: Braille, Technology and Employment Conference.

Connecting the Dots Conference 2023

Save the date!

At Connecting the Dots, you’ll learn from the best! The conference attracts an incredible lineup of keynote speakers, panellists, educators, and vendors who impart their knowledge, ideas, and research to ignite conversations and provide valuable insights on braille, technology and employment.

Toronto, ON
Date: Wednesday, October 7 and Thursday, October 8, 2023
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: MaRS Discovery District

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Find the perfect volunteer opportunity for you!


Volunteer Opportunities

Tech Mate

Make a difference for people who are blind or partially sighted by providing leisure companionship in your community to someone who is blind or partially sighted.

Volunteer for Tech Mate

Leisure Mate

Make a difference for people who are blind or partially sighted by providing leisure companionship in your community to someone who is blind or partially sighted.

Volunteer for Leisure Mate